2015.04.07 Resilience in SESAR2020
The event “Complexity Challenges and Opportunities in SESAR2020” took place in Brussels, 7th April 2015 in Eurocontrol headquarters, organized by the ComplexWorld Network – the long-term research network supported by SESAR and coordinated by Innaxis.
In this event, there was a particular session on Resilience in Air Transport, with several Resilience2050’s consortium members presentations (ITU, Innaxis, NLR). The session was chaired by Gokhan Inalham (ITU)
Presentations available in the links below:
- Gokhan Inalhan (Istanbul TU) Chairman and facilitator
- Resilience2050- Emre Koyunzu (New design principles fostering safety, agility and resilience for ATM- a new approach beyond SESAR) FP7 project
- ComplexityCosts (Exploring the complex relationship between ATM performance and stakeholder investment costs) SESAR project
- MAREA (Mathematical Approach towards Resilience Engineering in ATM) SESAR project