European Physical Journal Call for Papers: ¨Spatially Embedded Complex Networks¨
Last month, a researcher of Innaxis, Massimiliano Zanin, along with Fabrizio Lillo of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, organized a Satellite Meeting inside the European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS ’11) in Vienna. This Satellite, called Complexity and the Future of Transportation Systems, was focused on the actual problems in the planification and management of transportation systems (from streets in a city, up to airline networks), and on how Complexity Science can propose new ways of tackling such challenges.
As a consequence of the success obtained by this event, both researchers have now been invited to act as Invited Editors for a specific issue of the journal European Physical Journal – Special Topics, called “Spatially Embedded Complex Networks”. This issue will be devoted to the application of the graph theory (and of the more recent complex network theory) to different transportation systems, both from the theoretical and applied point of view.
If you are interested in sending a contribution, do not hesitate in contact our researcher, and check this Call for Papers.