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ECCS’14 Satellite Event

ECCS’14 will be a major international conference and event in the area of complex systems and interdisciplinary science in general. It will offer unique opportunities to study novel scientific approaches in a multitude of application areas.

The ComplexWorld Network ECCS Satellite Meeting: Complexity Science and Transport Systems

Following the events organised at the ECCS ’11 in Vienna, ECCS ’12 in Brussels and ECCS ’13 in Barcelona, we’re announcing the Call for Papers for a half-day Satellite Meeting in Lucca. The aim of this Satellite Meeting is to create a space for exchanging state-of-the-art results and ideas about (i) how different Complex Systems tools such as complex networks, percolation theory, self-organized criticality or agent based modeling can be used to understand the internal dynamics of transportation systems, (ii) how to model the relationships between different transportation modes, and (iii) how to improve efficiency and performance of such systems.

The intended audience of this Satellite Meeting is twofold. On one hand, it consists of researchers from the field of Complexity Science, which are expected give insight on the application of complex system tools and concepts to transportation systems. On the other hand, researchers specialised in Transportation systems will be encouraged to attend in order to give their contribution and see how such systems can be investigated with methodologies which are not currently recognized as mainstream. The main success of the meeting will be to foster an interdisciplinary forum of discussion between the two research communities.

A non-exhaustive list of topics includes:

– Topological properties of transportation systems, and the relations between topology and efficiency / resilience / propagation of disturbances.

– Dynamics of and on transportation systems: from movements of persons and goods, up to diseases and information spreading mechanisms.

– Emerging behaviors and critical phase transitions in transportation systems.

– Applications of multi-layer and time-varying network representations, statistically validated networks and community detection algorithms.

The Call for Papers

Information regarding the Call for Papers can be found here.

The Programme and Venue

The full programme and short abstracts can be downloaded here. It will take place on Thursday, the 25th of September, at SALA DEI SERVI (SAN MICHELETTO)

The Organisers

This Satellite Meeting is organized by the following researchers, who also serve as contact points for anyone interested in knowing more about the meeting:

Fabrizio Lillo
Scuola Normale Superiore
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7
56126 Pisa 
[email protected]
Phone: +39 050509159

Salvatore Miccichè
Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica
Universita degli Studi di Palermo

Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 18
I-90128 Palermo Italia
[email protected]
Phone: +39 091 23899145

Massimiliano Zanin
The INNAXIS Foundation & Research Institute
José Ortega y Gasset 20, planta 6.
28006 Madrid (Spain)
[email protected]
Phone: +34 902 955 527

The Programme Committee

The Program Committee is composed of 4 persons well known and respected in either or both Complex Systems research and transport industry, as follows:

  • Marc Barthelemy, CEA, France
  • Rosario Mantegna, Università di Palermo, Italy
  • David Pérez, The INNAXIS Foundation & Research Institute, Spain.
  • Aura Reggiani, Universita’ di Bologna, Italy.