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Innaxis at Data Science Spain

The first anniversary of Data Science Spain group, took place last 4th February 2015, at MediaLab Prado (Madrid). In this event, Innaxis’ director David Perez presented “Data Science in Aviation: challenges and opportunities”, accepting the kind invitation of Synergic Partners, which organized and sponsored the event. The other interesting presentations were given by:

Carme Artigas – Synergic Partners
José M. Camacho – Analyst Programmer, Intelygenz
Juantomás Garcia – CDO AspGems
Felipe Ortega – Data Scientist & Researcher URJC University.

The Big Data & Data Science groups and initiatives in Spain are increasing non-stop. A tangible metric is that -in Europe- this group has become the third largest one in Meetup, only after London and Zurich, with close to 600 members. Data Science Spain is comprised mostly of Data Scientist, with a wide range of backgrounds and coming from several fields: energy, transport, telco, finance, social, among others.

It was definitely an interesting opportunity to do networking and learning new things!