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Tag: Environment

Passengers’ environmental awareness and travel behaviour

Passengers’ travel behaviour can be influenced by various factors, such as disposable income, travel purpose, age group or technological affinity (see also #blogpost7 Passengers expectations: door-to-door travel and beyond). One of these influential factors is the environmental awareness of passengers...

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DATASET2050 presented at ACARE

DATASET2050 participation in ACARE WG1 Meeting (Brussels, June 3, 2015) Bauhaus Luftfahrt actively participated in the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE) Working Group 1 Meeting on June 3, 2015 in Brussels on behalf of DATASET2050. ACARE’s main task is to provide...

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Innaxis is appointed as United Nations Observer Organisation

Innaxis has received word that it has been granted Observer status for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This permits Innaxis to participate in certain events and activities of the UNFCCC. There are over 1,297 observer organisations around the world with only 16 from Spain. This...

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Derogations of an EU Regulation

Emissions Trading Scheme, Kyoto, cap and trade, Climate Exchange, law of demand- all have been mentioned under the hot topic of CO2 emissions and climate change policies. With all of the concern of global warming- it's no surprise that countries are trying to ´go green´ now too.

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A transport network is a complex network- TEN-T Policy

On the 14th and 15th of October, the European Commission held a stakeholder conference to review the trans-European transport network policy. Important input was contributed for the drafting of the Commission’s Green Paper on the future of TEN-T policy. This paper will be published in early 2009. As...

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