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Tag: Passenger

A new generation of business traveller

The DATASET2050 project does not only examine current European passenger profiles but also looks at possible passenger types in 2035 and 2050. To develop future demand profiles, current ones are either adjusted (see Current European PAX profiles), or new profiles are developed. As there is still...

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Current European PAX Profiles

Have you ever wondered about all the different people at the airport? Almost all of us have already flown: for going on holidays, visiting friends and family or going on a business trip. Likewise, many have been sitting at the airport, waiting at the gate and watching different passengers walking...

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Passengers’ environmental awareness and travel behaviour

Passengers’ travel behaviour can be influenced by various factors, such as disposable income, travel purpose, age group or technological affinity (see also #blogpost7 Passengers expectations: door-to-door travel and beyond). One of these influential factors is the environmental awareness of passengers...

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April’s post: Mobility performance, KPAs

There are many performance targets for the European (air) transport system. It is clear that performance-based frameworks are needed and utilised, especially when decision makers need to act on legislative packages or when operational managers need to make procedural changes or decisions regarding...

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Passengers expectations: door-to-door travel and beyond

Continuous use of smartphones, social media, checking rather than planning, instant access and sharing; these concepts are becoming more and more common. To pass people on the streets who are looking down to their screens is already the norm. Do they have an app to sense and avoid obstacles? Travelling...

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DATASET2050 presented at ACARE

DATASET2050 participation in ACARE WG1 Meeting (Brussels, June 3, 2015) Bauhaus Luftfahrt actively participated in the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE) Working Group 1 Meeting on June 3, 2015 in Brussels on behalf of DATASET2050. ACARE’s main task is to provide...

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Dynamics of European Demographics

The objective of WP3 within DATASET2050 is to understand the current and future transport system from the passengers perspective, in a more detailed and thorough way than currently available. As a first step, it is necessary to better grasp passengers’ expectations, needs and requirements and their...

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