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Tag: Passenger

Aircraft, network, and zoology

It is well known that the problem of building a schedule plan for an airline is a difficult one. The core difficulty is indeed to take into accounts the multiple constraints of aircraft, crew, maintenance, passenger correspondence etc, while trying to capture as much market as possible, all...

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How long?

AUTHOR: GRAHAM TANNER With the imminent publication of the DATASET2050 project results, this seems an ideal moment to compare a recent trip with one of the key project outcomes, the average door-to-door travel time. DATASET2050 modelling of passenger journeys within Europe has found the average door-to-door...

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Jet-bridges: The gateway to time-wasting?

Author: Pete Hullah So you walked for what seems like miles to get to your gate. You’ve just queued for an age to have your boarding-card scanned and your passport checked. “Bon voyage” says the attendant. Welcome to the jet bridge, or Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) in the jargon....

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Mobility metrics and indicators rethought

Author: Gérald Gurtner Performance is about comparing some output of a system with some level of expectations. The issue of setting the right level of expectations is certainly a major issue by itself, but choosing the right metrics to measure is probably even more difficult. This difficulty comes...

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How do you catch a plane?

How do you catch a plane? More interestingly: what are the stages of your door-to-door journey when an airline flight is involved? They’re most likely not all the same as anyone else’s. There are a myriad ways of getting from your starting point (home, office, hotel) to the airport –...

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