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Madrid, 25th to 27th of November, 2013

SESAR Long-term and Innovative Research, Work Package E, supports research activities that are not currently part of the ‘mainstream’ SESAR development work packages. The SESAR Innovation Days are the main forums for dissemination of WP-E results and for interaction with the wider ATM research community and industry representatives.

The fourth SESAR Innovation Days will take place in Madrid, Spain, from 25th to 27th November 2014. The event will be hosted by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Unlike any other scientific event in ATM research, the SESAR Innovation Days focus explicitly on long-term and innovative research. As well as presenting results of WP-E Networks, Projects and PhDs, the event also seeks contributions from the ATM research community through an open call. The submission deadline is 22nd September and notification of acceptance will be made by 23rd October. Download the Call for Contributions here

Further information on the event will be progressively available at:

For all enquiries please contact [email protected]