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A transport network is a complex network- TEN-T Policy

On the 14th and 15th of October, the European Commission held a stakeholder conference to review the trans-European transport network policy. Important input was contributed for the drafting of the Commission’s Green Paper on the future of TEN-T policy. This paper will be published in early 2009. As...

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European Commission’s SOS (Seminar on SESAR)

Eurocontrol has estimated that today’s air traffic will have doubled by 2020. Over the last decade air traffic has grown more than 50%, and Europe now has close to 8.5 million flights a year and up to 28,000 flights on busy days. As these alarming figures will slowly become a reality, the EC has...

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The European Union & Innaxis- FP7 calls for proposal

As the European Commission has come out with a Seventh Framework Programme, several calls for proposals have been published. Some areas in which the calls address are: Security, Space, Health, Environment (including climate change), Food & Agriculture, Energy, Socio-Economic Sciences, and Bio...

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Innaxis interviews with Baquia TV-Spain a clip of the interview with Baquia TV´s president, Rodolfo Carpintier personally interviewing the president of Innaxis, Carlos Alvarez. The interview is done in spanish, and Carlos talks about Innaxis´initiative in Spain. Rodolfo brings up that many businesses in the United States are in collaboration...

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Complexity Science: Where Science meets Ethics

As solutions such as launching sun-reflected mirrors into space become a consideration, the unforeseen consequences might be worse than the initial problem of global warming itself. In a recent article by Cornelia Dean for The New York Times, she writes ¨This technology might be useful, even life-saving....

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