ComplexWorld Workshop 2: Resilience and Robustness in ATM
2nd ComplexWorld Workshop. Toulouse, Wednesday 10th of July, 2013:
Taking place alongside the ATOS/ISIATM 2013 conferences, the 2nd ComplexWorld workshop will be held in the afternoon of Wednesday the 10th of July from 13:00 to 18:00 h.
The workshop will explore definitions, qualitative and quantitative evaluation (from a practical point of view) and modelling approaches to resilience and robustness in ATM.
- To obtain a suitable representation of the states of an ATM system as well as a first quantitative evaluation of such states.
- To discuss suitable modelling approaches that enable a realistic representation of an ATM system and allow us to achieve reliable results regarding the effects caused by disturbances.
- To achieve (1) and (2) from an operational/practical perspective with support from industry experts.
Expected outcomes of the Workshop:
- Review key features of definitions of resilience and robustness used in socio-technical systems.
- Find state descriptions of an ATM system (from different stakeholder perspectives) by means of a specific set of performance indicators and their interdependencies.
- Produce quantitative descriptions / formulations of a reference state of an ATM system from a practical point of view with the help of experts.
- Determine modelling approaches to represent an ATM system in order to evaluate its resilience and/or robustness (from at least one particular perspective).
Discussion agenda
- What are the various definitions of resilience and robustness? (Includes a short introduction of the terminology used and modelling approach proposed in Resilience 2050*).
- How can we qualify and quantify resilience and robustness? What framework and suitable formulations/measures should we use for the evaluation of both system properties specifically in the ATM context?
- How can we link this evaluation with the SESAR performance scheme? Which KPAs are directly relevant in this context?
- Assessment of performance indicators and their particular interdependencies, including those between stakeholders, given by experts with a practical background.
- Is cost the only workable common unit for KPI trade-offs and how do we assess strategic versus tactical trade-offs?
- Suitable approaches to model a simplified ATM system as social-technical at one level of detail that is applied holistically.
- In order to assess the boundaries of a particular modelled ATM system, what minimum level of detail should be considered when modelling?
- How can we combine or use aspects of different approaches like simulation environments (e.g. AirTOp) and detailed models of complex social interaction w.r.t. safety aspects (e.g. work by NLR)?
- What data are currently available to carry out some quantitative case study assessments and what data would be required (which are not yet available) to enable other case studies of key interest?
- Identification of missing topics.
Note: The workshop will also consider work from DLR, UoW and their partners, e.g. on Resilience 2050, an FP7 project already running (since June 2012), RobustATM (WP-E project, starting in September 2013) and ComplexityCosts (WP-E project, starting also in September 2013).
Currently we are trying to integrate some other WP-E projects and some of the PhDs already running. This page will be updated with these and any other new details as they become available.