Dates set for the first ComplexWorld Annual Congress
The Members of the ComplexWorld Network have set the dates for the first ComplexWorld Annual Workshop.
The ComplexWorld Network, funded by the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Programme within Work-Package E, will be holding its first Annual Workshop on the 6th-8th of July, 2011, in Seville (Spain).
This Workshop will be pivotal since the Network´s development for the entire first year will be discussed. Findings from the White Paper will be presented, as well as progress from the WP-E Complexity projects and the ComplexWorld PhD Programme. Also, the Workshop will include selected presentations on Complexity Science and ATM by Network Members, Participants and external scientists.
All Participants and interested entities are invited to attend the Workshop. We will be informing all of the Participants and interested entities as the details are developed. If you would like to become a Participant and be included in our distribution list please send us an email at [email protected].
For more information regarding the ComplexWorld network and the research topics explored, please check out the network´s website at: .