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EU Parliamentary strongly supports pre-commercial procurement

¨Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) can enable public authorities to improve the quality and effectiveness of public services – such as in health care, public transport, energy, environment, security etc – whilst creating opportunities for European companies to take international leadership in new markets.¨

This pre-commercial procurement is said to be the missing link in the European innovation cycle. It currently is widely exploited in both the US and Asian economies but is used very little in Europe.

The pre-commercial procurement would involve phases 0-3 in a typical 4 phase product innovation process. The procurement would specifically involve the phases of research, solution proposal, prototype, and pre-commercial product/service.

The European Union relieve this would benefit the healthcare and transport industries the most. It will help create lead markets in Europe, especially for future ICT-based products and services.

There are many research programs in Europe, however results and findings cannot be exploited to the full extent until now.

For more information, please see the Thematic Portal of the European Commission here .