Paris. David Perez (INX). Presentation to Eurocontrol and SJU
Presentation to Eurocontrol and SJU teams during the SESAR ComplexWorld network mid-year review. Eurocontrol and SJU teams were interested in the Resilience2050 project in view of the possibility that future SESAR activities cover the resilience topic and to find sinergies with existing research.
Madrid. Ernestina Menasalvas (UPM)
The project was presented in the “CSIC – 2013 FP7 call opportunities” (“El Séptimo Programa Marco de I D de la Unión Europea: cómo tener éxito en las convocatorias 2013”) by Ernestina Menasalvas from UPM , giving a brief overview of the Resilience2050 project as well as highlighting key points f…
¡New web! www.resilience2050.eu
The first version of the current web page is developed and uploaded to internet. Visit: www.resilience2050.eu
Presentation, London. Peter Foerster and Olga Gluchshenko (DLR)
The project and the developed resilience terminology were presented by Peter Foerster and Olga Gluchshenko at the META-CDM workshop 1, January 15-16th, 2013, London Heathrow airport.
Applying Resilience Studies to Real World ATM Challenges at Innaxis
Our newest team member, Hector Ureta, tells us what it has been like working at the Innaxis Research Foundation and Institute in his first 6 months, and the evolving application of the concept of resilience beyond its original roots.
In some weeks I will reach my “semiversary” at Innaxis – a refe…
Presentation at USA-Europe Air Traffic Conference, Chicago. Olga Gluchshenko (DLR)
A research paper: “Performance based approach to investigate resilience and robustness of an ATM System” by Olga Gluchshenko and Peter Foerster is to be presented at the Tenth USA/Europe Air Traffic.
Management Research and Development Seminar ATM20135, June 10-13, 2013 in Chicago, IL, USA.
Resilience Engineering abstract accepted. Sybert Stroeve (NLR)
The program committee of the 5th Symposium on Resilience Engineering, which will be organized from June 25-27, 2013 in the Netherlands, accepted the abstract on work in Resilience2050 Task 1.2 as one of the paper presentation sessions in the symposium’s program of that year.
Barcelona. Gökhan İnalhan (ITU)
A research paper “Data Analytic Synthesis and Stochastic Modeling of the European ATM Network Flow Model” from Resilience2050 project by Emre Koyuncu, Utku Eren and Gokhan Inalhan was presented at the European Conference for Complex Systems.
Braunschweig. Peter Foerster (DLR)
The Total Airport Management (TAM) Symposium took place on the 15th October 2013, hosted by HOCHTIEF AirPort in collaboration with DLR.
Full details can be found in the EUROCONTROL TAM page. TAM is expected to be the next step from A-CDM. Peter presented some of the projects results in Session 6…
Bretigny. Hector Ureta (INX)
Hector Ureta presented the main ideas of Resilience2050 project at The Genspace Training Course 2013 that took place at the Eurocontrol Experimental Center (Bretigny-France). The attendees included researchers, pilots, and aerospace personnel interested in having a better knowledge of the ATC an…
SESAR Seminar at Istambul. Gokhan Inalhan
The Resilience2050 project, progress and ITU contributions was presented by Gokhan Inalhan within the SESAR Seminar organized at Istanbul, 20-21 March, 2013.
Resilience metrics: input for SESAR projects
Deliverable D3.2 included sound results in the field of Resilience Metrics that were worth disseminating. In the context of this deliverable, an Annex “D3.2 AnnexIII,” was created summarizing the key results obtained targeting readers who were not necessarily familiar with the project. This mate…
Brétigny, EEC. 2014 Workshop on Data Science in Aviation. Samuel Cristobal
Samuel Cristobal provided an interesting presentation on “Data Science: Metrics and Visualization” based partially on Resilience2050 metrics and how results were presented for D3.2 (among others).
ICRAT 2014. Tutorial on Stationarity and Metrics. Massimiliano Zanin and Samuel Cristobal
The prestigious 6th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation included a tutorial by Innaxis Researchers S.Cristobal and M. Zanin, based on previous activities done within Resilience2050 project. The following is the abstract of their tutorial session, titled “Providing insight …
Paper at ICNS, 2014. Peter Foerster
The paper “Towards evaluating air navigation performance for estimation of its resilience”, which addresses the resilience approach in RES2050, and that was created under assistance of Rainer Koelle from Eurocontrol, has been published in:
Published in:
Integrated Communications, Navigation an…
“State-of-art in ATM Resilience” workshop prior to SIDs | 24th Nov, Madrid
Before the 2014 SESAR innovation days SIDs officially kicks off in Madrid, there will be a workshop which will open the debate around the state-of-art in the context of resilience in the Air Transport System and its operations.
At the workshop we’ll discuss the recent discoveries made in the fie…
2014.05.30 Istanbul. 2014 ICRAT conference.
Paper by Gokhan Inalhan (ITU)
The prestigious 6th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation included a paper by ITU researchers G. Inalhan and Y.B. Kaya , based on data analytic activities done within Resilience2050 project. The paper was presented by Y.B. Kaya and it is titled:…
Resilience2050. Workshop 24 Nov 2014
The workshop on Resilience opened the debate around the state-of-art in the context of resilience in the Air Transport System and its operations. Both the new discoveries made in the field by the FP7 project consortium, together with inputs from other teams researching in the field were welcome …
2015.04.07 Resilience in SESAR2020
The event “Complexity Challenges and Opportunities in SESAR2020” took place in Brussels, 7th April 2015 in Eurocontrol headquarters, organized by the ComplexWorld Network – the long-term research network supported by SESAR and coordinated by Innaxis.
In this event, there was a particular session…
Innaxis at SIDs 2015
Every year we are excited to participate in the SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) 2015, organised by Eurocontrol and the SJU, which will take place this year in Bologna, Italy. In 2015, Innaxis has been particularly busy in long term aviation research and as in previous SIDs, we will be continue to b…
Resilience2050. Workshop 2015, Bologne (SIDS)
The final project workshop took place in Bologna, Italy, 30th November 2015 in the afternoon, (14:00-18:00) attached to the SESAR Innovation Days, that officially started the following day in the morning. You can now download the presentations of the workshop by just clicking on the links below.