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INX becomes coordinator of ComplexEnergy

Together with CREATE-NET, INX launches ComplexEnergy; a new FP7 FET Project.

As most of you know, the FET (Future and emerging technologies) initiative is the European Commission “incubator” for new ideas and themes for long-term research in the area of information and communication technologies. As a part of the FET program,  The Innaxis Foundation & Research Institute, in cooperation with CREATE-NET, launched the ComplexEnergy project, funded under FP7 ICT call 4, topic ICT-2009.8.10 Identifying new research topics and assessing emerging global S&T trends in ICT for future FET Proactive initiatives.

The main objective of ComplexEnergy is to identify the most promising research avenues and emerging trends at the junction of ICT, Energy and Complex Systems domains, with a view to propose new topics in this area for future FP7 calls. More information can be found on the CompleEnergy project site:

To satisfy this frutful objective, ComplexEnergy will be focussed on bringing together the ICT, Energy and Complex Systems research communities in order to:

  • build the foundations for a new, EC-scale, interdisciplinary research community able to formulate innovative approaches to energy system modeling, design and governance;
  • carry out a well-defined and systematic consultation of these three research communities, as well as of policy makers and other relevant stakeholders, with the aim to identify the main strategic areas, the emerging research avenues and the major research challenges at the junction of ICT, Energy and Complex Systems; and
  • define a roadmap for the development of these research trends, including recommendations on research topics for FP7 calls in 2011 and beyond.

Although the project has just launched, we have already begun planning the first workshop and contacting key professionals to form an Expert Panel. If you´d like to be on a contact list for a workshop or general communication concerning the project please feel free to email: [email protected] .

Complexity Science