Assessing the potential of digitalisation within the European mobility system: where do we go from here?
Author: Ulrike Schmalz (BHL)
Today’s world is digital and data-driven and the change has been rapid, but is still ongoing. This digital transformation (or “digitalisation”) has altered many parts of our daily lives and offers ample potential for improving Europe’s inadequate mobilit…
Welcome to CAMERA!
Are EU research and initiatives on the right trajectory to reach long-term goals in the (air) mobility sector? How far is Europe from the mobility goals envisioned for the future? How can synergies with other transport domains be fostered? These are some of the questions that the CAMERA (C…
European mobility for the future: strategic roadmaps and performance assessment
What are Europe’s mobility goals and how can progress towards these goals be measured? What would make up a feasible set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for mobility? And which major aspects of the work towards creating Europe’s future transport system are addressed in the Mobilit…
1st CAMERA Workshop
What are Europe’s mobility goals and how can progress towards these goals be measured? What would make up a feasible set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for mobility? And which major aspects of the work towards creating Europe’s future transport system are addressed in the Mobility4EU…
Research documents clustering for CAMERA
The Horizon 2020 Coordination and support action CAMERA evaluates the impact of European mobility-related projects. The CORDIS database presents a high volume of unclassified project data to which manual methodologies would be impossible to apply due to the high dimensionality of the datase…
The First CAMERA Mobility Report is out
The European Union designates significant funds for various research areas via framework programs, such as Horizon 2020, with aviation research being just one of them. As part of its coordinating activity, the EU is performing investigative actions across those areas to make sure the fund …
NLP Evaluation
Natural Language Processing techniques can be used for a wide range of applications based on several capabilities:
Information retrieval: finding relevant material within document (textual) repositories that fulfills a certain condition.
Sentiment analysis: underst…