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Tag: Energy

ComplexEnergy 2nd Workshop proves successful

Innaxis and Create-Net lead the preparation of the Research Roadmap. On November 16th, The Innaxis Foundation & Research Institute along with Create-Net organised the second workshop of the ComplexEnergy project, putting together a group of experts from the ICT, Energy and ComplexSystems field....

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Innaxis publishes White Paper on Energy research

On September the 24th we submitted the final version of the ComplexEnergy White Paper to the European Commission. It has been already sent to the participants and interested individuals and is published on the ComplexEnergy website: ComplexEnergy is an initiative led by The Innaxis...

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ComplexEnergy White Paper Draft Now Available

The Innaxis Foundation & Research Institute along with CREATE-NET are pleased to publish a draft of the ComplexEnergy White Paper. After many revisions and discussions, a first draft of the ComplexEnergy White Paper has become available. Members of the Expert Panel also contributed to the advancement...

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