Pilot3 Optimisation Architecture
Author: Jovana Kuljanin (UPC)
Pilot3 could be triggered at some point of the departure procedure or when the aircraft is already en-route. The system will optimise the aircraft trajectory from the current aircraft state (i.e., the moment Pilot3 is triggered) down to reaching FL100 at the proximi…
Estimating operational uncertainty in Pilot3
Author: Clara Argerich (Innaxis)
Operational estimators that shed light on arrivals
Pilot3 software is a tool that optimizes trajectories based on factors that affect flight performance—everything from possible network disruptions, to bad weather and so on. For the purposes of this post, we will…
Definition of Scenarios in the light of Agile methodology
AUTHOR: Jovana Kuljanin (UPC)
Pilot3 will be developed following some of the principles of the Agile paradigm. The methodology relies on the idea that different prototype versions are incrementally developed by adding new functionalities into each version, until we reach the fully functional pro…
How can we select a suitable multi-criteria optimisation method among the dozens existing ones?
AUTHOR: Adeline de Montlaur
Pilot3 aims at providing a software engine model for supporting crew decisions in the context of operations for civil aircraft, with a better understanding of the stakes of the current mission, from the perspective of the business objectives of the airline (read more)…
Optimisation objectives in Pilot3
AUTHOR: Luis Delgado
Airlines’ objectives for the operations of their flights, as defined in their flight policies, are translated into operational Cost Indexes (CIs). The Cost Index represents the ratio between cost of time and cost of fuel, hence a CI of zero in the Flight Management System wi…
Pilots need a better understanding of the stakes of the current mission
AUTHOR: Luis Delgado
Pilot3 is a new Clean Sky 2 research project, which started on November 2019, led by the University of Westminster (UoW) in collaboration with PACE Aerospace Engineering & Information Technology, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and Fundacion Insituto…