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Tag: Mobility

Mobility metrics and indicators rethought

Author: Gérald Gurtner Performance is about comparing some output of a system with some level of expectations. The issue of setting the right level of expectations is certainly a major issue by itself, but choosing the right metrics to measure is probably even more difficult. This difficulty comes...

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10 years later… and so much to come!

This year marks Innaxis’ 10th Anniversary. A most remarkable date that we are very happy to celebrate and share with you. This decade -and the 30 projects developed so far- have provided us the opportunity of creating solid relationships with trusted partners and strengthening those links...

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On maps

How are “mobility” and trips visualized and represented? Well, the most direct, intuitive way of doing so, is using maps. Representations, converting the 3-dimensional earth (*sphere*) to a flat  2-dimensional surface. This post is about maps, map properties, map distortion and curious...

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