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Authors: Inés Gómez and Paula López-Catalá After more than 10 years (13 to be precise), we have decided that it is time for a fresh look. However, this wasn’t decided on a whim — it was researched in a thorough analysis exercise. Innaxis’s first projects were devoted to applying complexity...

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SESAR Exploratory Research call, a short report

The last SESAR Exploratory Research call, closed on September 10th, was allocated with nearly 39M€. A total of 128 proposals were submitted to this call and centered on two main threads: ATM Excellence Science This thread received 40% of the funds and 43% of the proposals, where the most popular...

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10 years later… and so much to come!

This year marks Innaxis’ 10th Anniversary. A most remarkable date that we are very happy to celebrate and share with you. This decade -and the 30 projects developed so far- have provided us the opportunity of creating solid relationships with trusted partners and strengthening those links...

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Airport Economic Value study published!

The Modelling Airport Economic Value Study recently published (link here) has been made by the University of Westminster (Andrew Cook, Gerald Gurtner, Graham Tanner and Anne Graham) and Innaxis Research Institute (Samuel Cristobal), supporting EUROCONTROL (Denis Huet and Bruno Desart) within SESAR...

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INXmas greetings, 2017

We have had lots of fun innovating in 2016, so we are eager for a 2017 full of harder technical and scientific challenges, new research threads and complex innovation. All the Innaxis team wish you a Merry Xmas break -including some fun and rest-  and a superb 2017! ho ho ho!!!

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Information, time, knowledge

We live in a world that gathers exponentially increasing amounts of information/data coming from endless sources, and a limited time to analyse it. What is the current speed of “creating” information/data? What about knowledge/wisdom? What is the role of Data Science and Big Data in this...

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Innaxis at ICRAT 2016

Between June 20 to 24, our PhD student Seddik Belkoura went at the very doorstep of the famous Rocky Balboa Statue, as the seventh edition of the International Conference on Air Transport (ICRAT) was held at Drexel University (Philadelphia, USA) . This successful event, co-organised by the FAA (Federal...

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Mainstream economics are not delivering what humanity needs

Innaxis at the XIII International Colloquium of the World Academy of Arts and Science (WAAS) Lisbon 11th -13th May 2016 WAAS members where invited during a three day conference at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management to discuss “Post 2008 Global Dynamics and Structural Changes: Economic,...

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Complex networks, data mining, causality, and beyond

Over the last few weeks Innaxis has published two papers that may be of interest to air transport researchers, among others. The first paper is an extensive review on the combined use of complex network theory and data mining. Not only do complex network analysis and data mining share the same goal...

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