January 2015
Hello & welcome!
This is the first blog post of DATASET2050: “DATA-driven Approach for Seamless Efficient Travelling in 2050,” a coordination and support action funded by the European Commission, under H2020 Call MG.1.7. DATASET2050 is coordinated by Innaxis and we count in the team with Un…
DATASET2050 Working blocks!
The main blocks that define DATASET2050 are presented in this month’s entry. The CSA is divided into four blocks, each one of them focused on a different aspect of the mobility assessment challenge: the data architecture and modelling, the passenger needs assessment, the supply of transport serv…
Partners and their involvement
Welcome to the last of the three introductory blog posts. In the first post general details of the CSA were explained, while the second post covered the working blocks planned within the mobility assessment challenge faced. This post provides a brief description of each partner and their involve…
EUROCONTROL Industry Monitor
So far, you have been briefed through previous blog posts on the DATASET2050 project, its scope, structure, deliverables and partners involved.
The use of reliable forecast data is important to our project. Therefore, the aim of this particular blog post is to provide some insight on the Industr…
DATASET2050 – H2020 CSA coordinated by Innaxis
How can we provide a seamless travel experience from door to door for future European passengers? This question is addressed by the DATASET2050 project which Innaxis is coordinating. DATASET2050 is an aviation Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funded by European Commission within the H2020 f…
Dynamics of European Demographics
The objective of WP3 within DATASET2050 is to understand the current and future transport system from the passengers perspective, in a more detailed and thorough way than currently available. As a first step, it is necessary to better grasp passengers’ expectations, needs and requirements and th…
DATASET2050 presented at ACARE
DATASET2050 participation in ACARE WG1 Meeting (Brussels, June 3, 2015)
Bauhaus Luftfahrt actively participated in the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE) Working Group 1 Meeting on June 3, 2015 in Brussels on behalf of DATASET2050. ACARE’s main task is to pr…
Passengers expectations: door-to-door travel and beyond
Continuous use of smartphones, social media, checking rather than planning, instant access and sharing; these concepts are becoming more and more common. To pass people on the streets who are looking down to their screens is already the norm. Do they have an app to sense and avoid obstacles? Tra…
SIDs 2015
Given DATASET’s long-term scope and air-transport oriented approach, this blog post addresses the upcoming SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs). Research outcomes are only beneficial when it is disseminated to other people/entities/agencies/stakeholders. Given that, please consider this post as part of …
The evolution of passenger profiles and implications for future mobility
Traditionally, passengers were categorized according to their travel purpose which resulted in the two groups business and leisure travellers (Dresner, 2006). However, these traditional distinctions started to blur over the past years and will continue to do so in the future. This is driven by v…
Mobility and performance (DATASET2050 postpost)
Different performance frameworks look into different aspects of the European mobility framework, with varying goals that are not necessarily compatible or aligned in the same direction. To illustrate, ‘Flightpath 2050’ envisions an air transport system that improves safety…
April’s post: Mobility performance, KPAs
There are many performance targets for the European (air) transport system. It is clear that performance-based frameworks are needed and utilised, especially when decision makers need to act on legislative packages or when operational managers need to make procedural changes or decisions regardi…
Mobility datasets exploration tool
Within the project, we have recently listed the sources of EU door-to-door mobility datasets, reports and papers. That information is crucial for us to build the subsequent data-driven tasks (including the model). On top of that, they could be extremely useful to anyone doing research or simply…
You’re cordially invited: EU Door-to-Door Mobility Workshop hosted by DATASET2050
The 4-hour door-to-door challenge in Europe – are we heading in the right direction?
The DATASET2050 project is pleased announce a one-day workshop in central London on Tuesday 12 July 2016 focusing on the 4-hour door-to-door challenge. The event will be hosted by University of Westminister.
EU Door-to-Door Mobility Workshop: 12th July 2016
We’re pleased to host and coordinate the first workshop examining EU door-to-door mobility. An outline of sessions can be found below (abstracts are here).
Date: 12th July 2016. 10:30 – 17:00 (approx)
Location: 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2HW University of Westminster, UK
10:00 refreshments on…
Passengers’ environmental awareness and travel behaviour
Passengers’ travel behaviour can be influenced by various factors, such as disposable income, travel purpose, age group or technological affinity (see also #blogpost7 Passengers expectations: door-to-door travel and beyond). One of these influential factors is the environmental awareness of pass…
Mobility presentation at Data Science In Aviation workshop (EASA, 2016)
The annual event exploring Data Science in Aviation (ComplexWorld funded; organized by Innaxis) has recently celebrated its fourth edition this past September 8th 2016. The event was hosted on the EASA premises in Cologne, Germany . This year it highlighted a presentation of the DATASET2050 proje…
DATASET2050 presentation at Data Science in Aviation Workshop (EASA, Cologne-Germany)
The annual event exploring Data Science in Aviation (ComplexWorld funded; organized by Innaxis) has recently celebrated its fourth edition this past September 8th 2016. The event was hosted on the EASA premises in Cologne, Germany . This year it highlighted a presentation of the DATASET2050 proj…
Current European PAX Profiles
Have you ever wondered about all the different people at the airport? Almost all of us have already flown: for going on holidays, visiting friends and family or going on a business trip. Likewise, many have been sitting at the airport, waiting at the gate and watching different passengers walkin…
A new generation of business traveller
The DATASET2050 project does not only examine current European passenger profiles but also looks at possible passenger types in 2035 and 2050. To develop future demand profiles, current ones are either adjusted (see Current European PAX profiles), or new profiles are developed. As there is still…
How do you catch a plane?
How do you catch a plane? More interestingly: what are the stages of your door-to-door journey when an airline flight is involved? They’re most likely not all the same as anyone else’s.
There are a myriad ways of getting from your starting point (home, office, hotel) to the airport – from “door”…
On maps
How are “mobility” and trips visualized and represented? Well, the most direct, intuitive way of doing so, is using maps. Representations, converting the 3-dimensional earth (*sphere*) to a flat 2-dimensional surface. This post is about maps, map properties, map distortion and curious maps. We …
Augmented reality and data visualization (in aviation)
Present-day technology is so powerful that the perception of reality can be easily and realistically modified with IT tools, providing users withan experience beyond “simple” reality. This is achievable by mixing real-world environment elements supplemented and/or augmented by computer-generated…
Towards user-centric transport in Europe – Challenges, solutions and collaborations
The EU projects Mobility4EU (http://www.mobility4eu.eu/) and MIND-SETS (http://www.mind-sets.eu/) jointly organized the event “Towards user-centric transport in Europe – Challenges, solutions and collaborations” in Brussels in May. The aim was to bring together stakeholders from different areas …
European door-to-door mobility workshop! 20th Sept, Madrid
European door-to-door mobility workshop, took place 20th September 2017, 10:30-16:00
The event, hosted at Madrid Campus (Google Space) mixed active debate and participation from all the workshop attendees with presentations from top entities in the field. See presentations below, some pictures w…
Moving the people to the terminal? Why not move the terminal to the people?
Author: Pete Hullah
The question of ground access to airports is the object of many studies. How do we get people to the airport quickly, efficiently and sustainably? A previous blog post touched on the many different means people use to accomplish this part of their journey.
One of the …
Mobility metrics and indicators rethought
Author: Gérald Gurtner
Performance is about comparing some output of a system with some level of expectations. The issue of setting the right level of expectations is certainly a major issue by itself, but choosing the right metrics to measure is probably even more difficult.
This difficulty com…
Jet-bridges: The gateway to time-wasting?
Author: Pete Hullah
So you walked for what seems like miles to get to your gate. You’ve just queued for an age to have your boarding-card scanned and your passport checked. “Bon voyage” says the attendant. Welcome to the jet bridge, or Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) in the jargon. A claustropho…
How long?
With the imminent publication of the DATASET2050 project results, this seems an ideal moment to compare a recent trip with one of the key project outcomes, the average door-to-door travel time.
DATASET2050 modelling of passenger journeys within Europe has found the average …
DATASET2050 goodbye
After the hundreds of days (36 months!) working hard in the project + corresponding proposal…
After the 3 successful events specifically organised by the project (London, Madrid, Belgrade)…
After the more than 30 DATASET2050 posts tackling mobility-related topics…
After the tens of scienti…
EU Door-to-Door Mobility Workshop – Abstracts
Session 1. Challenges of a data-driven model
The current state of mobility in Europe – University of Westminster The foundations of the DATASET2050 model are described in this presentation, along with some of the corresponding data sources used in its construction. Using mobility, we show rough…