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SafeClouds presentation at the IATA ADS

On November 15-16, 2017, IATA organised the first Aviation Data Symposium in Miami, FL USA. This event covered different angles of the application of engineering and data analytics to airline safety, operations, passenger distribution, sales, and air freight. These three areas were complemented...

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Jet-bridges: The gateway to time-wasting?

Author: Pete Hullah So you walked for what seems like miles to get to your gate. You’ve just queued for an age to have your boarding-card scanned and your passport checked. “Bon voyage” says the attendant. Welcome to the jet bridge, or Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) in the jargon....

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Mobility metrics and indicators rethought

Author: Gérald Gurtner Performance is about comparing some output of a system with some level of expectations. The issue of setting the right level of expectations is certainly a major issue by itself, but choosing the right metrics to measure is probably even more difficult. This difficulty comes...

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10 years later… and so much to come!

This year marks Innaxis’ 10th Anniversary. A most remarkable date that we are very happy to celebrate and share with you. This decade -and the 30 projects developed so far- have provided us the opportunity of creating solid relationships with trusted partners and strengthening those links...

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FDM Raw Data: Why Binary Data and How to Decode It?

Authors: Lukas Höhndorf & Javensius Sembiring (TU Munich) gathers 16 partners for research collaboration with a wide and diverse group of users, including air navigation services providers, airlines and safety agencies. encourages active involvement from users, as...

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VISTA: priorities and building a credible model

Setting priorities and building a credible model In Vista, capturing the level of development of the ATM system in the 2035 and 2050 horizons is critical, and we need to ensure that the most relevant scenarios for stakeholders are prioritised during the project. A consultation with relevant...

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